Location: Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Cheese & definition of heaven

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Holidays bye-bye?

I guess holidays are meant to be occasions to chill out. You kinda expect holidays not be the same once you're in the line of fatherhoood. No more taking off without bookings, no thrill of that kind of adventure.
So now, the decision is whether to go to Cochin or not. Thought it would be a good idea for the lady to see a new place. The home doctor wonders if we can put it off for now and think of it 2 months later. ummm, wouldn't that be the time when the whale starts it walk? but there's a medical reason supposed to be associated with this request from mom. Lets seee what the wife's gynaec says and what the wife feels.
Any which ways is ok for me, though I'd really like to take wife to see those amazing chinese nets in Cochin.


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